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A Christmouse Carol**

A Dickensian mouse’s Yuletide tail


Aladdin Pantomice

You can be a genie too, And make these mice appear for you!


Cinderella Pantomice

‘You SHALL go to the ball of yarn!’


Cirque de Souris

Roll up to the squeakiest show on earth!


Dickensian Party Mice

Make merriment with these merry mice


Furry Fairies**Free!

Deck your tree with squeaking superstars


Harvest Mice

‘All is safely gathered in’


May Day Mice

Hey nonnie no, a-knittin’ we go!


Mayflower Mice**

“Come, ye thankful mouse folk, come”


Medieval Mice

In days of olde, when mice were bold …


Mill Village Mice**

A windmill with mice in, it’s hardly surprisin’



Mysteriously masked mice make marvellous masquerades


Nursery Rhyme Mice*

You’re sure to have some happy times, knitting mice from nursery rhymes!


Silent Movie Mice

Produce a thrilling yarn, told in black and white, with no squeaking!


Snow White Pantomice

“Mirror mirror on the wall,
Who is the furriest one of all?”
