knitted toy of Aida the mouse with a Haitian flag

Designed to raise funds to aid the victims of the Haitian earthquakes of 2010 and 2021. Please consider making a donation in exchange for this pattern. In the UK you can donate to Disasters Emergency Committee or Shelter Box, or you could donate to a similar charity in your country. Details can be found at Thank you.

Although this pattern is free to download, the copyright restrictions still apply. While you’re here, why not check out the other patterns on the Toy Patterns page? They start at £3.50, and there’s bound to be something you would like to knit!

This pattern exclusive to the website

A seven page pattern

Measurements 7in (18cm) tall

You will need Of Sirdar Click DK, 50g balls: 18g in Cobble 129; of Sirdar Snuggly DK, 50g balls: 8g in Engine Red and 2g in Soldier Blue; of Hayfield Bonus DK, 100g balls: 6g in Stone 889; oddments of black and white DK yarns; 20g of washable toy stuffing; long tweezers; thin white card and white twine for label.